1st Update from Mom

Momma is way past due on her contributions to the blogspot. Daddy has been wonderful at keeping family and friends up to date so far on the Many Adventures of Sullivan Brown, and both mommy and baby are very appreciative ….BUT, I thought it might be fun for folks to hear from both parents during this wild new journey. So here are a few short thoughts from the new Mom.

First, my thoughts on our amazing new Dad. Along with creating this awesome interactive news site, photography, video, and journaling duties, Daddy has also been the voice of reason, peace, entertainment, and rest for us here at the house. Mama and baby are undergoing an INTENSIVE breastfeeding training camp which is leading both to be cranky, frustrated, tired, tense, and irritable. And as always Daddy provides the positive perspective and calm that we both need to stay the course. We sure are lucky to have such a fun and wise Dad.

As for young Master Sullivan, he has made significant headway in his feeding lessons but we still have a bit to go to make it a more pleasant and less painful experience for mom. Our little gentleman is also undergoing what feels like daily if not hourly physical changes. His eyes seem to be changing color…maybe to brown…they are dark blue/green to light chestnut brown right now but darkening every day. He is also sporting some seriously long limbs AND skinny too! How I produced a long skinny child is still beyond me but so far he appears to have received more of the Leberknight/Bateman genes than the short chunky Gavazzoni frame. Except for his feet….I still think he inherited Pop Pop Louie’s pigeon toed chubby feet (what Mommy thinks are the cutest part of his whole body).

On the whole his temperament is still remarkably pleasant despite his growing periods of frustration with gas, feeding, and sleepiness. He sleeps for long periods at night which Mommy and Daddy appreciate, he smiles a lot, and enjoys looking about and listening and learning new things. The Leberknight grandparents are coming down next week for their first visit with first grandchild. Local Family and friends have been tremendously helpful around the house bringing food and helping with chores and such. I couldn’t have made it this far without them and am incredibly thankful for everyone’s kindness.

Well back to basic training. Will write again soon. Jill
