No, I am your father …

Father’s Day has come and gone again with one key difference – me being a father this time through. Sullivan’s mommy got us a bag of toys and we made some cool space-robot-looking hats and I got to hang out with my dad and grandfather at lunch. All in all it’s a fine little made up holiday (that happens to fall on a weekend you notice; let’s not give the dads an extra day off, mind you.)

It occurs to me I have no recollection of anything I ever gave my father for Father’s Day when I was growing up. I do remember the fact that he always turned the holiday around for my brother and me. He gave US gifts. Nothing big, just puzzles or a little book or something, but it was his reasoning that without us then he wouldn’t even have had the chance to be a Father so he celebrated us as much as we might celebrate him.

And now that I’m a father, I get it. My dad was using Father’s Day to celebrate all he had learned by being a dad. Everything that life throws at you, everything you think you know, everything that comes and goes and is a part of you forever even though it was just the tiniest moment at the time … that’s all father’s day. That’s what you get for being a dad. There’s the happy times and the fussy times and there’s great joy and sadness and everything in-between.

I can’t remember anything I did for my dad on Father’s Day. Don’t remember any ties or socks or wallets or even handmade macaroni pictures though I feel certain there must have been some. Perhaps we made him a card or bought something from Target or even took him to lunch (that he probably paid for.) It’s pretty much the story of life. What my brother and I gave my dad every father’s day was the chance to remember what a long, strange, wonderful trip it had been and how much more there was yet to experience.

I get that now. At least, I get the beginnings of it. I figure the rest comes as you go.

Incidentally, there are many new pictures in the gallery. Visit from the Leberknight Grandparents, Father’s Day photos, and much more!

Showing Some Weight

Sullivan gained 8.5 ounces this past week. He is now up to 7 lbs. 14.5 ounces. He is still in between the 5th and 10th percentile (small for his age) but within range. Momma and Sully now are into phase IV of Breastfeeding Basic Training. He is still struggling to feed properly so we now have a whole new series of accessories to help the situation that includes tubes, knobs, wires, and tape…yes tape and in a not so nice place. I am starting to feel like a machine. Wish us luck…we’ll let you know how it goes 🙂

Leberknight Visit, New tricks and Little Mr. Insulted

Leberknight Visit
Sullivan had his first out of town visitors this week. First time grandparents Kerry and Mary drove all the way down from Pennsylvania are enjoying the many adventures of Sullivan Brown. It has been fun to watch grandpa Kerry change diapers and listen to stories of when Jill and Jim were little. Grandma Mary has been a Big Help and has become a skilled swaddler. Sullivan likes to lounge in her arms and rest for hours. Grandpa Kerry has also taken notice of all the new baby accoutrements these days compared to 40 years ago. And apparently baby Sullivan is a much more pleasant child than the colicky Jim and attitude filled Jill…must be those Brown genes. Two more days of fun with grandparents before they head back up to PA L already counting the days till the next visit and of course still waiting for our first visit with Uncle Jimmy and Auntie Lynn.

New Tricks
Feeding and Growth Sullivan continues to grow and mature each day. He is finally starting to gain some weight (7lbs 6.5 ounces). Mommy has been forced to feed him formula since he apparently learned some bad habits in the NICU and wasn’t feeding properly and not getting enough food. He is undergoing breastfeeding training AGAIN to break him of these bad habits and help him feed better with Mommy. Now Sullivan has to do practice sucking prior to each feeding and has a special training bottle which leads to a LOT of spitting up and dribbling. And until we work past these issues Mommy is in cow land pump times which are beyond exciting I tell ya J He is also getting quite strong. Lifting his head more, turning to see and listen to things and focusing more on the people and things around him.

Development – Sullivan has taken on quite a fascination with lights. He loves to look at the lit ceiling fans when they move, the light that comes through the blinds, a flashlight, moving light of any kind. Grandpa Kerry and Grandma Mary bought him a multimedia mobile that projects a light show on the ceiling…he LOVES it and can’t seem to get enough of it at night. He also seems to be more awake these days and enjoys just sitting about and listening and looking at the world around him. He sometimes sits and looks about for hours instead of sleeping…pretty funny to watch him sit quietly and look around….Daddy calls him the little old man “thinking about things”….or as we like to call him around the house – Wee Zachius.

Health – He had his first allergy attack. Starting sneezing a lot yesterday and his nose is running a lot today. Daddy is having one of his bi-annual sinus attacks too so both are sneezing, stuffy, watery eyed, and achy these days.

Little Mr. Insulted
Baby Sullivan is still struggling with the growth and development of his digestive system. After many of his late night feedings he moves into what I call his gas dance mode….stretching, writhing, wriggling, and kicking as he attempts to relieve the discomfort from the gas pain. He fusses a little bit while all of this is going on but its not until the gas actually passes that he lets out a cry….sometimes it is simply the comedy of air and other times the very loud rumble or explosion of a full movement…but when it comes he lets out a most unique cry….a cry that sounds more like he is completely appalled with the human digestive process. …INSULTED by the poop in the diaper or the loud sound that just interrupted the quiet night air. I sat in the chair laughing hysterically last night as I listened to Sullivan cry out in disgust over the whole ordeal.

That’s the latest from Mommy’s update Desk.

1st Update from Mom

Momma is way past due on her contributions to the blogspot. Daddy has been wonderful at keeping family and friends up to date so far on the Many Adventures of Sullivan Brown, and both mommy and baby are very appreciative ….BUT, I thought it might be fun for folks to hear from both parents during this wild new journey. So here are a few short thoughts from the new Mom.

First, my thoughts on our amazing new Dad. Along with creating this awesome interactive news site, photography, video, and journaling duties, Daddy has also been the voice of reason, peace, entertainment, and rest for us here at the house. Mama and baby are undergoing an INTENSIVE breastfeeding training camp which is leading both to be cranky, frustrated, tired, tense, and irritable. And as always Daddy provides the positive perspective and calm that we both need to stay the course. We sure are lucky to have such a fun and wise Dad.

As for young Master Sullivan, he has made significant headway in his feeding lessons but we still have a bit to go to make it a more pleasant and less painful experience for mom. Our little gentleman is also undergoing what feels like daily if not hourly physical changes. His eyes seem to be changing color…maybe to brown…they are dark blue/green to light chestnut brown right now but darkening every day. He is also sporting some seriously long limbs AND skinny too! How I produced a long skinny child is still beyond me but so far he appears to have received more of the Leberknight/Bateman genes than the short chunky Gavazzoni frame. Except for his feet….I still think he inherited Pop Pop Louie’s pigeon toed chubby feet (what Mommy thinks are the cutest part of his whole body).

On the whole his temperament is still remarkably pleasant despite his growing periods of frustration with gas, feeding, and sleepiness. He sleeps for long periods at night which Mommy and Daddy appreciate, he smiles a lot, and enjoys looking about and listening and learning new things. The Leberknight grandparents are coming down next week for their first visit with first grandchild. Local Family and friends have been tremendously helpful around the house bringing food and helping with chores and such. I couldn’t have made it this far without them and am incredibly thankful for everyone’s kindness.

Well back to basic training. Will write again soon. Jill