More Fun With Hats If you are wondering what Damon and I do for a work break…wonder no more. jillJuly 24, 2006Family, UncategorizedPermalink
Jumper “Jump Little Sullivan, Jump!………..…………..What, you can’t reach the ground?” jillJuly 24, 2006Family, UncategorizedPermalink
More Entertainment Sullivan Carter Brown – Bad Little Dude! Dressing up baby sure does provide some laughs 🙂 jillJuly 24, 2006Family, UncategorizedPermalink
Important First Lessons Lesson One: This is a Potatoe Chip. It is ALL powerful and will bring you much happiness in your lifetime Lesson Two: This is Mommy’s potatoe chip and if you take it from Mommy we will no longer be friends. jillJuly 24, 2006FamilyPermalink