The Bumbo

Sullivan has his first day in the Bumbo! He’s not strong enough to spend a long time in it but he sure did seem to enjoy it for a little while. Soon I imagine this will be how Damon and I get through work at our computers. Baby and Bumbo on desks 🙂

Graduation Again!

Sullivan has graduated to the next level in his travel seat. His head has gotten stronger so he no longer has to use his infant head supports which has allowed us to use the seat as a stroller. Mom is learning how to transform the seat to stroller with careful guidance and support from Daddy. Or should I say Daddy is listening patiently as Mommy curses and grumbles at the many belts, handles, buttons and snaps! Goodness gracious what a scene….and its still easier than dealing with a traditional stroller.

1st Biscuit Shoot!

Still catching up on some pics.

Here is Sullivan with Grandpa Jerry and Auntie Carolyn at his first ever Biscuit shoot. Mommy was off doing her Buttermilk Biscuit duties while Grandmother Judy acted as playmate for Sully during the shoot. Daddy caught lots of cute clips of he and Judy playing with the rest of the big kids at our Radijazz gym shoot.

Cousin Ella

Catching up on some fun events in wee Sullivan’s first months.

Here is a pic of Sullivan on his first trip to visit Auntie Carolyn, Uncle Kirk and cousin Ella. Ella and Sullivan (or baby Sul as Ella calls him) are watching a muppet video here with guest star Paul Williams. I can only imagine the kind of adventures these two are going to have in the coming years. Baby Sul sure is lucky to have such a fun and loving big cousin!

2 Month Check Up

The Stats are in and here is how our little man has done during his first two months.

Weight: 11 lbs, 4 lb 8 ounce gain

Height: 23inches, 3 inch growth

Head Circ: 15 ¼, nearly 2 inch growth

Motor skills: right on target

Hand Eye Coordination: great

Physical and Social Development: wonderful

Cuteness: beyond compare. (He was flirting and smiling at the nurses.)

Gas: off the charts (Doc has put him on new gas relieving formula. His Gavazzoni/Leberknight traits are becoming more and more apparent by the day.)

For those of you interested in percentages, Sullivan has pulled up in the ranks from around the 5th percentile into the 30th for both weight and height.

He received his first series of shots today too. Of course our little Sullivan is an old pro at the needle pricking routine from his early days in the NICU. He cried a bit but stopped as soon as the needles came out. And because he was such a good boy he got an elephant sticker that he has proudly displayed on his onesie all day.

Dr. feels it was a great first two months for Sully. Now in his 10th week he is already off on his next growth spurt and new set of skills. Sleeping through most of today and gulping down larger and larger amounts of food to nourish his many daily adventures. He has even dropped one of his feedings at night sleeping nearly 6 hours at a stretch regularly…. so now Mommy and Daddy get even more sleep.