Well daddy is hard at work editing the opening episodes for season three of the Biscuits and Sullivan is often right by his side as the scenes are created. Here he is sitting on Daddy’s lap watching a run of one of the final drafts of episode 301.
Grandpa Kerry and Grandma Mary treated us to a day at Hershey Park. A regular outing for me as a youth living only 25 minutes from the park. It was a thrill to take Sullivan on many of the rides that I enjoyed as a child with my parents. Of course it was another realization that as a kid you have very little understanding of all the things your parents do for you. It was a whole new experience going to Hershey with a little one, a stroller, diaper bag, sippy cups, sun screen, shoes, and on and on. I don’t know who was more tired by the end of the trip Sullivan or me! But nonetheless we had a great visit to the park.
Damon joined us for the last half of the trip and the Leberknight Family reunion in Baltimore. It was great to catch up with the cousins and for Sullivan to play with all the other babies (which there are a whole slew of them right now and another on the way for my cousin John and his wife Martha)
Damon was a hit with all the kiddos. They just couldn’t get enough of him.
Next we traveled across the state to my birth town, Johnstown to visit with my Unlce Ronny and Aunt Shirley which are known to Sullivan as Nunnie and Pop Pop our families Italian names for grandparents. We had lots of fun running up and down Nunnies stairs and around the kitchen island, played on great Pop Pops fun organ and danced with the favorite saloon bear at Aunt Jackies, visited all the family graves and cemetaries (a family tradition up north) and even took a bath in the same tub that Mommy bathed in when she was a baby.