Uncle Jimmy and Aunt Luby

Please, Hat, Juice, Shoe, Cracker

Sullivan has now moved onto the verbal stage of his young life. It initially started with the word please several months ago (I’d say sometime in July around 14 months) He had gotten into a bad habit of screaming for food at the high chair so we began asking him to say please and he quickly caught on. Seess seems to be the literal phonetics of his please and he has transfered the word to nearly every request….”seess can I have that shiny thing you are holding, seess can you help me put this block in the box, seess can you read this book to me (his favorite being Dr’s Suess the B Book), seess can you pick me up or put me down, sees can I go outside” you get the idea. Seess is pretty much the everything word right now.

15 month Check Up

Mommy’s having a hard time keeping up with all the hundreds and hundres of pictures. Love the new digital age of photography but wish they had a digital librarian to help with the cataloging and photo sharing with friends and family. So tonight, I will attempt to Check In and share some of the highlights of the past few months.Last week Sullivan had his 15 month check up and he is healthy and in good shape. Now in the 75th % across the board measuring in at 26.4 lbs and 31 inches long. That does not include the head….he is following in his daddy’s footsteps on that one with a measurement of 19 inches…only two inches smaller than Mommy’s head. Right now he has 8 teeth, all of his first year molars and his bottom canine’s are about ready to cut through. Other than that, he had his shots, spent some quality time with Miss Kate his Dr., got a new book and some butt cream for his sore bottom and home we went.