Washing the Car with Daddy

Sullivan was so excited to help his Daddy wash the car today. He was in charge of the bucket and dipping the brush although the suds and water quickly became the focus and fun. They washed the motorcycle and then my car and by the time it was all over Sullivan was playing in the hose instead of tending to his duties. We all had a lot of fun watching him throw soap suds around and sneaking in front of the hose to get wet.

All the cars were clean but our little man had to go inside and get a bath and dry clothes. But it was worth the fun for sure.

Bugs and Lizards, Oh My!

If I ever needed physical evidence of my absolute love for my son it would come with these two pictures. The girl whose natural instinct is to run screaming from any creepy crawling bug or reptile is now stopping and taking pictures of them. Brave Grandmommy Judy has been pointing out bugs and lawn critters to Sullivan for some time and now he likes to point them out to me when he is home and we’re playing out in the yard. The first picture here is of Sullivan saying “Hi” to a spider on the carpet and the second is of the two big lizards in our back yard who were biting each other today. Sullivan also said “Hi” to them …”Hi, Whizard” to be exact.
Signed the Girl who now stops and takes pictures of her son with bugs and creatures 🙂

Two Fellows in a Car

Just another fun day here at the Brown house. One of Sullivan’s favorite things to do these days is play in mommy and daddy’s cars….well today Master Brodie decided he wanted to join him and I just couldn’t resist taking some shots of this. And yes, Sullivan still wears a bowl on his head that he calls a hat.

Easter 08

We all had a great Easter this year….my first actually with Sullivan (as I missed his first Easter last year because I was back home in PA for my grandmothers funeral). We spent the day out in Georgetown. He had his own Easter eggs to gather and wonderful little basket with treats and got to play and visit with his cousins….a grand day indeed. Sullivan even discovered the glorious world of CANDY. Ate his first ever Hershey’s kiss and reese’s peanut butter cup and thought that was great. And today while I was getting his lunch ready my sweet little boy roared out in the most beastly of voices …”CANDY!” his eyes bulging and fists clenched as though he was possessed. He has discovered the wonders of chocolate now….no turning back huh?

Elmocise and the Blues Man

My sweet little boy has turned into a fierce Exercise Master overnight. Damon got Sullivan a Elmo video called Elmocise where Elmo exercises with all his friends. Well he just LOVES this video and jumps, and kicks, and hops along with all the Elmo exercises BUT not alone……he absolutely refuses to Elmocise without Mommy. So as soon as the video comes on he runs throughout the house screaming “Mommy, One” which is his way of saying Mommy get your fat butt away from the computer and come ELMOCISE with me….and then of course he shouts and screams and laughs while we exercise like a professional trainer….(see image).

And he has also added a new instrument to his list….the harmonica……he’ll put one of his hats on and just jam out to his harmonica like a professional bluester.

Pretty fun times around the house today.