
Found this picture as I was going through photos today and had myself a good laugh. For anyone that knows my Dog Brodie you will understand the humor. For those who haven’t had the pleasure of meeting Brodie….he LOVES food and is a constant begger. Damon took this picture for an Austin Food Bank promo several months ago.

First Night Austin

The Biscuit Brothers participated in Austin’s First Night New Years celebration this year…the last of our whirlwind Holiday tour we did this season (12 shows in all every weekend during the month of December). At First Night we shared and made music with kids during the day, got to be the grand marshals in the parade and ride in the gigantic HEB shopping cart and THEN perform a live show as the finale for the family portion of the first night activities. It was a ton of fun and Jerry and Judy brought Sullivan down so he could enjoy the festivities as well and of course continue his studies as a rode in training. he is off to a good start with those studies with lots of behind the scenes Biscuit stage time.

New Years Show with the Biscuit Brothers

Sullivan and I went to see the Biscuit Brothers Count Down to New Years show. Yes you heard me right, I WENT to see it. Got to sit in the audience with my boy and WATCH a Biscuit show. I had a blast and so did Sullivan. Now of course we got to enjoy some special perks knowing the performers and all and hung out on stage and backstage before the show which I always think is the highlight for Sullivan. He also got to take home a Biscuit blow up Banjo (banjun as he pronounces, an improvement from he previous badin pronunciation)