The Croup

I know I’ve fallen a bit behind in posts these past few months so am working today while we are all home with our first ever full family sick fest to catch up. Sullivan is recovering from the croup and had his first full meal in 4 days. Damon started off the sick fest last week with what we thought was the annual Cedar Fever which we thought Sullivan caught before he woke up Tuesday night with a wild whooping barking cough that we later diagnosed as the croup. He’s been in doors most of the week, not eating, barely drinking, won’t even eat candy, and coughing and sneezing up a storm. Two of the nights he slept on the foof in the back room because it allowed him to be propped up and not cough as much. Everyone is feeling better today, except for Sullivan’s cough which I worry is turning into bronchitis but am monitoring closely. He here is on the foof with daddy after watching the Doodle Bops for the umpteenth time.