First Violin Lesson

Daddy gave Sullivan a violin lesson yesterday. Sullivan has had it out before and has tinkered with it but Damon took the time to teach him some basics. We worked on how to hold the violin and the bow and how to bow gently and not pull the strings hard. Sullivan was thrilled to hear the sound he made with the strings and he did fairly well making music with it. He wanted to hold it and bow by himself of course which we allowed but he would get too excited or forgetful and pick the the violin up by it’s strings or bang the violin with the bow. Well it has been his favorite thing to do these past few days (aside from putting things in the toilet which is also a new favorite past time ….grrr) But he really can be quite focused and attentive with stuff like this. He is far more careful and gentle than some boys I have seen and glad that Damon takes the time to give him opportunities to explore in a watchful enviornment. I don’t often think to try things like this and I always learn a lot from Damon when he includes Sullivan in activities that I may not think he is ready for. I am learning day by day and the two of them always surprise me in their natural pursuits to understand how things work.
Oh and PS…if you are wondering why Sullivan always seems to have green dirt around his mouth in his pictures…it’s his juice. We give Sullivan the naked brand green machine drinks that are made with spinach, broccoli, barley and wheat grass, blue green algae, and parsley. He loves the drink and this is the only way we can get veggies into this kid so everyone is just going to have to deal with our green mouthed boy 🙂
