Swimsuit Season

Well we are gearing up for summer swim time down here. It has been a hot start to the summer and Mommy is getting excited to start teaching Sullivan a favorite Leberknight family past time…SWIMMING of course! He’s already been enjoying the small kiddie pools as you have seen in earlier posts but we have not ventured out to the big pool for some serious swimming yet. That begins tomorrow. But I wanted to get him fitted for some training gear before we went. Last year we bought him a small floating device that he sat in and could paddle his feet. Now he is bigger and more coordinated and time to step it up a notch. So here are the two swim suit looks that we have chosen for Summer 2008. Suit ONE is a Nemo themed wet suit of sorts lined with football style chest and shoulder pads. Bound to have some serious fun in this one if he is able to menuever in the pool with all that extra padding. Whew…that is some serious padding there. Then we have suit TWO…his European suit direct from France. As if I had to tell you where it was from…where else in the word do boys/men wear such skimpy shorts. Sullivan gets lots of hand me down clothes from our good friend Melinda and she receives the hand me down clothes for her three boys from a family member who buys clothes for her boy in France. Lots of passing around of clothes going on I know but they are all still in great shape. So Sullivan now has three patterns of lovely skimpy shorts to show off at the pool (along with a bunch of other French clothing much of it too small for him as I think French boys might be smaller over there because he doesn’t even fit into the 36 month clothing..hmm) I am thinking that if Sullivan is not successful at the swimming thing he can at least please the ladies in style number two……not the 2 year old ladies of course cause they won’t give a darn what he is wearing but I think it will be a hit with the mommies and grandmas poolside. I’ll take some pictures tomorrow and let you know how lesson one goes.
