Arts and Crafts

Sullivan and I had an arts and crafts morning this past week. He usually isn’t very interested in craft type projects but lately he has shown a little more interest especially since Damon and I organized all of his arts and craft supplies in a new rolling cabinet that is readily accessible to him AT HIS level. Most of the time he simply opens the draws and takes out supplies to use in his building experiments but lately he’s been taking out the playdough and exploring the curious texture and molding capabilities. That is of course when he is not trying to eat the stuff which is about 3/4 of the time he is playing with it. He also likes to squish the play dough on mommy’s face and then on his head as you can see in the picture above. We also enjoyed some painting time and he got to wear his new Elmo art smock that Auntie Carolyn made for his second birthday. We have painted several times before and again most of the time is spent trying to eat and taste the paint or use the paint brushes for crashing and drumming on the table or head. Very little art happens on paper but Sullivan always looks quite colorful afterwards.
