The Little Engineer

Damon captured some pictures of Sullivan in one of his many serious building and designing moments. Look at the concentration and focus in his face. You know I hear parents say all the time “Oh little Billy is going to grow up to be a this or that” and now I understand why they say it. Of course none of us knows what our children will grow up to be but sometimes I get glimpses of natural talents or aptitude that would suit certain professions and Sullivan sure does have a natural curiosity and aptitude for building and design. It is very common to walk into a room and discover a tower of random object stacked together in a most curious design. He stacks instruments, toys, hats,… just about anything….rarely blocks though….he likes blocks but not to build with. So for now I will chime in like the rest of the parents and say “Oh, Sullivan is going to grow up to be quite the architect or engineer”. That is if he doesn’t grow up to be a musician or a basketball player or modern dancer or a mailman or a conductor or a geologist……and on and on…..