At the Dentist

After our action packed morning at the park Damon and I took Sullivan over to see the Dentist for his 24 month check up. He had a good time in the waiting room saying “Hi” to all the people sitting in there. He knocked on the door to the Dentists office and wanted to go back. So Daddy sat and played the game “listen for your name”. Sullivan was not entertained by this game but got his wish and with little wait got to go back to see the Dentist. The space is small so only one of us got to go back with him. Last time it was Damon so I got to go today. The nurse took us in, weighed him (30 lbs) and took him into the room. She showed him all the equipment and tools and let him play with some. He especially liked the small mirror. He liked to hold it out front and look at his eye and then of course moved quickly to put it into his mouth. Then the Dentist had Sullivan sit on my lap with his legs wrapped around me and drop his head back towards him. I got the pleasure of holding his arms while the Dentist opened his mouth and poked around to inspect his teeth. He even got the cleaning drill out and cleaned each tooth with paste. Sullivan did NOT like this at all and cried and fought as best he could. Dentist said we’d have to keep an eye on the gap in between his two front teeth….that we might need to clip the flap in the gums that is in between. Said it might prevent the front teeth from growing in properly. Other than that he said his teeth looked good….and then we were all done. Sullivan was very happy to get out of there. Grabbed my hand and pulled me to the front door saying “bye, bye, go outwhy (his version of outside). he got a new toothbrush and a Disney Cars sticker which he especially liked since he saw the movie for the first time this morning (and loved loved loved it). Next visit is in 6 months. Every six month he has a check up with the Dentist now….yikes!
PS. I also have to say that I am one lucky mom as Damon comes along for every Dr’s apt. I have never been to one without him. Not that I can’t handle it or that Sullivan needs it but he is always there and I realize how special that is. Something that Sullivan will probably never notice but I will someday tell him what a lucky and special boy he is to have had such an actively involved father.