A, B, C’s and 1, 2, 3

Sullivan is all about the A, B, C’s and 1, 2, 3’s these days. Whenever he sees writing he yells out “A,B,C’s, A,B,C’s”. And to our surprise he actually can recognize the correct letters at times. The other day we were in the car and he yelled out “O” and sure enough we looked around the there was a sign that had a great big “O”. Damon bought him a big tub of foam letters that he loves to play with now. He doesn’t always get them right but he is just so excited about learning them and exploring with them. He even knows the melody of the A,B,C song and tries to sing along with me now….of course some of the letters get mumbled together like L,M,N,O,P sounds more like emenemopee.
He also likes to try and count things. When we were at the park the other day there was a giant bead counter on one of the playscapes and he tried to count each one. Not in order but all the numbers were there. Just like the time he walked up all the stairs at the UT building the other day. I had to run an errand and he wanted to climb the stairs himself and as he walked up he said, “one, too, tree, fur, ive, ixs, even, ate, nine…..then he got lost at 10 so went back to 1,2,3.
