Jam Session

Music is such a big part of our world here at the house. As much as I originally whined about Damon taking up a quarter of the playroom with all of his drums and drum accessories I really can’t imagine it any other way now. Damon and Sullivan have Jam out Sessions all the time back there. As soon as Sullivan hears daddy begin his tapping rhythms Sullivan runs through the house to find me. Where ever I am in the house I always know when Sullivan wants a full family dance party. He runs in gabbering on about coming back to dance and play with him. Daddy plays the drums and Sullivan and I play all the rest of the instruments (and dance of course). He often asks me to play the toy electric guitar which I love to do…the only time I am the preferred musician. Great since I don’t play any instruments at all. Damon has created several Sullivan drum themes…..One is for the cowboy hat. It has a kind of Lone Ranger/Indian feel to it. Whenever Sullivan puts on the cowboy hat Damon strikes up that tune or vica versa…whenever Damon plays that tune he goes and finds his hat. We also have the hip hop rhythm and the rock out rhythm and the funky rhythm which is my favorite. Sullivan also likes to count off Damon’s jam session….with drum sticks in hand he waves them around like a conductor and counts 2,3,4 and then of course Damon begins to play. We have lots of musical fun over here at the house. Here are pictures of the last jam session. Right before nap time….Daddy came home from some meetings and he led a rowdy time to tucker Sullivan out before nap. As you can see Sullivan takes all of this very serious.