Nightie Night!

Sorry no pictures with this post tonight. I just peeked in on little Sully sleeping and wanted to share his latest developments with everyone. He is now in his 13th week and he has just started to consistently sleep through the night. 6 straight nights in a row he has slept from around 10/11pm until 8/9am dropping his two middle of the night feedings! And to our surprise this has not led him to be awake more during the day. He still takes several naps a day and is ready for his full nights rest around 10pm. I am increasingly surprised at how much work I am able to get done around the house and with my real estate business and Biscuit Biz. He is such a patient child…sits in his chair on either Damon or my desk when he is awake…smiling, looking around, taking in new sights and listening to endless business conversations between our offices or on the phone. The sounds of keyboard clicking constantly in the background as though our computers were a house pet. He has started to even vocalize what I think is his own version of “business chat” which is quite melodic and expressive. I just wonder some days what I could have possibly done in my life to deserve such a good little boy. I just assumed payback was in store considering what a total brat I was to my family….cute of course but BIG Tude and Beyond demanding. Maybe it has nothing to do with me and everything to do with the blessing that was given me in Damon. Gods way of telling me that even little brats deserve a second chance when willing to amend their ways 🙂
