Mr. Personality

So, looks like the phase one gas has … passed … shall we say? That’s well and good since it returns mommy to only a couple (maybe three) night feedings and much less cranky-ness which she appreciates. We all do, really.

Of course, now he’s transitioned into the “hour-long leisurely dining experience” phase which include stretch breaks, looking around, generally relaxing while mommy waits for the multi-course experience to resume.

We’re also starting to get some unique cries for different needs which is fun to hear. The all-frown wail of general frustration (which typically leads to “baby chicken” cluck-cry if it goes too far,) the stretch, grunt, and squeak of hunger, and the new single-blast cry of bodily function (gas, diaper change, etc.) That’s my favorite so far. The baby equivalent of a husky teamster “Yo!”
