One Year has Elapsed!
Welcome back to the Blog. Now, in a time warp – we skip from last Fall, when Sullivan was still extremely tiny, to Spring 07 and he’s less so.

Just in time for his first ever serious round of congestion and runny nose (aka, the usual allergies) and right on the heels of a couple serious birthday party days – one at the Chuck E. Cheese and one at Granddad Jerry and Grandmother Judy’s house complete with Circus cakes and a back yard playscape – we took him in today for his official 1 Year Doctor’s Appointment. Everything checked out well. He’s 23 and a half pounds and just under 30 inches tall. Height and weight are right in the middle of average for his age but head circumference is up there in the 70 percentile. Good thing we buy big hats. Got a couple of shots to ward off measles and such plus some blood from the finger to check for lead. So … chewing on all those old car batteries might come back to haunt him right about now … spicy!

The nurse wanted to know if he was shy of strangers so he obliged by reaching out to go to her even before anyone even asked. Everything is right on track and he can even eat all the big people foods now and start slowly putting away the bottles – even though he really hardly uses the bottles much anymore these days.
He’s still working on a couple of molars and the sinus drainage has wiped him out this afternoon, but he’s still a hit with the nurses at the Doctor’s office – smiling at everyone and racing right over to play with the other kids in the waiting room. He even got a free “First Words” book, lolly pop and Bulldog sticker! He also received a band-aid on his finger from the blood test which he promptly removed creating a “search thru the cabinets at the Doctor’s” situation for mom and dad since the nurse had already gone out to fetch the next round of shots. I keep telling everyone it’s a good idea to poke around in there; you never know when you might need to get an emergency band-aid.