Bye Bye Mullet!

The Sullivan Mullet is now officially GONE. Yesterday Damon and I decided (kind of last minute) to give Sullivan his first haircut. It was our plan all along to wait until his second birthday to cut his hair… his birthday party to be exact. But as we were getting things together for our mother’s day celebration up in Georgetown we thought “hey, it probably will be too crazy to try and cut it at his party why don’t we surprise everyone at the grandparents house tomorrow with a new cut”. So we embarked on the adventure that mommy has been avoiding for months now. Despite my absolute dislike of long unruly hair on boys I have just not been able to bring myself to cut his hair. His first hair…his baby hair….the one small little curl that came in after his first birthday that I feared I would never see again…….that once gone would surely mean that my baby, my only baby boy would not be a baby anymore!….well as you can see there was just far too much emotion surrounding the decision to cut or not to cut but I forged on with confidence that I would feel better with short hair. Comforted of course by several other moms teeling me the curls often come back and it is not the end of the world despite feeling like it is.

So, we began the adventure by washing his hair as we knew we wanted to save some of the baby locks for ourselves and the grandparents. I took pictures of his long wet mullet in the tub one last time while Damon set up the full scale film shoot in the cutting room (aka the back playroom). Damon had thought through the set up and cutting distractions as he has been the first haircutter of several young children in his family. We had his blanket, his faful, his juice, snacks, his new favorite Disney movie Cars playing, all Damon’s cutting accutrements ready to go and mommy set in place to assist in anyway needed. We began the process by tieing sections of his hair in strings so Damon could get clean locks bound together for saving. We both quickly learned however, that our son was NOT going to be cooperative in this effort. Sullivan has a dislike of anyone “messing” with him or restraining him in any way. So Damon trying to hold his head still or asking him to sit in one particular chair was NOT acceptable. It took Damon 15 or 20 minutes just to tie the string around his mullet. THEN, came the first cut. I was poised in my position to capture the moment on film which happened quickly and proceeded with streams and streams of tears and sobbing on my part. I literally felt like Damon had cut off a part of my child’s body and he was going to be forever mamed! I was surprised by my emotion. I was filled with such saddness and loss… in one quick clip by baby was lost and stolen from my arms. Of course all of this foolishness was captured on video for us to laugh at for YEARS to come. But for the meantime we were staring at our son who although he had lost his long mullet now looked like an insane asylum patient with chopped and uneven hair. The hard part we thought was behind us but we soon learned it had just begun. Mr. I will not sit still and I will not let you touch my hair or head or anything began the most wild of wrestling matches with his father and I and cried and sqwuelled, and sqwuirmed with every attempt to break free from this horrific thing we were trying to do to him. We tried to let him play with the combs and distract him with his movie and gave him not one, not two but three sippy cups of juice, then his faful, and his blanket, and, then books, and games. Very few tactics worked. Damon worked tirelessly to get one small clip at a time avoiding stabbing him with scissors multiple times (as you can see in the one picture that looks like he IS stabbing him). Finally we landed on a short game of toss the orange football over and over again enough for Damon to finish evening out the back of his head so he didn’t look like an abused child. Damon did have to put him in a few head locks to complete the job but I think he did an extraordinary job considering his the fight his client gave him.
So, now our little baby boy has a grown up hair cut sans mullet. At first I thought it made him look stockier than he already is but today when he was playing out in the yard with his cousins I thought it made him look taller and thinner. What has surprised me most about the whole ordeal is that HE doesn’t seem to have noticed the missing mullet. He had such a habit of cocking his head back to feel the long hair tickle his neck and last night didn’t even feel or notice it was gone. And today was no different….he has shown no sign of curiosity about the missing locks. Anyway….one more child milestone past. You know I hear people say all the time “enjoy it now they grow up so quick”…and to be honest it hasn’t felt quick to me. I don’t feel like I blinked and he was two. It feels like it was forever ago that I delivered him and forever ago that I fed him a bottle and burped him and wrapped him in a burrito blanket and even forever ago since he crawled and yet I guess it has been a relatively short period of time in a big picture kind of way. There just seems to be soo many discoveries and new things crammed into a compact period of time that you never feel like you have time to relish and get used to his new endeavor before he is off doing something new. That’ why I am enjoying this blog soo much. It has been giving me time to stop and write and reflect on an event long enough to try and celebrate and cherish it while it is fresh in my memory. It will be fun to read through all this 16 years from now when he is graduating from High School ( or 14 years from now if he takes after his father and uncle Kirk)…but for now I can’t even imagine him old enough to ride a bike or go to school or GOD FORBID date a girl….ugh…..all of that will make the first haircut seem like “baby stuff” 🙂
