Elmocise and the Blues Man

My sweet little boy has turned into a fierce Exercise Master overnight. Damon got Sullivan a Elmo video called Elmocise where Elmo exercises with all his friends. Well he just LOVES this video and jumps, and kicks, and hops along with all the Elmo exercises BUT not alone……he absolutely refuses to Elmocise without Mommy. So as soon as the video comes on he runs throughout the house screaming “Mommy, One” which is his way of saying Mommy get your fat butt away from the computer and come ELMOCISE with me….and then of course he shouts and screams and laughs while we exercise like a professional trainer….(see image).

And he has also added a new instrument to his list….the harmonica……he’ll put one of his hats on and just jam out to his harmonica like a professional bluester.

Pretty fun times around the house today.

Sullivan and His Baby

Not sure if there is a gene that predicts how a child will respond to a baby but apparently in Sullivan’s situation there is. He has a couple of Sesame Street stuffed characters at the house and has started feeding them and putting them down for a nap and all sorts of pretend play and so I thought he might enjoy having a little boy doll to play pretend with. I found the cutest little cabbage patch boy doll dressed in overalls with a hat and when I brought it home yesterday the first thing he did was grab the baby hugged him and said “KISS” and kissed the baby. (from the stories I heard from Damon’s parents this is what he did with toy babies when he was young) Sullivan then slept with baby last night and has been giving baby tons of kisses this morning. He says “Ah, baby..Kiss?” and then kisses the baby. he also likes to point out all of his body parts. Eyes, chin, nose, mouth, cheeks, elbow, hands, shoes, hat, head, hair, belly, hiney…..it is absolutely precious.

See pictures above of Sullivan with new baby (no name)….first kissing baby then pointing out his eyes.

The Littlest Baker and His cake

Sullivan baked a cake with Daddy this morning. He has been watching a Winnie the Pooh video these days where the Pooh and friends throw a surprise party for Eeore….a “tail-aversary” to be exact. And they all sing a “Happy” song and give Eeore a cake and Sullivan sings along and always asks for a cake afterwards. So today Daddy made one for him. Sullivan enjoyed drumming spoons on the counter during the baking and then as you can see from the pictures also enjoyed eating the cake afterwards. Happy Sunday around the Brown house today 🙂