Long Overdue Update

Once again I have been slacking on my duties with this blog but I have a good excuse……Sullivan. His world has changed so much in the past 6 months and I am trying to stay present with him and capture every moment instead of stressing about documenting it. But life is a balance of course so while he is at his Gandparents house I thought I would share some highlights.
What is Sullivan Doing these days?
Talking a lot! Damon and I tried to count how many words he knows and uses the other day and it is well beyond the 100 mark. He can even point out letters and words in books like B, happy, and mama.
Playing Outside . Sullivan loves to go “why?” that is how he pronounces outside. We decked the backyard out with toys, sandbox, and a slide. He would spend all day out there if you let him. Damon made him a Sullivan size railing so he can go up and down the steep stairs in the back by himself. It only took him a couple of days to get the hang of it and sometimes even goes up the stairs without holding onto the railing at all. He loves to throw his playground balls into the toy basketball hoop, give sticks to Brodie, ride and sit on his tricycle, open and close the side gate and jump in the leaves.
Still a Musical Guy! Music is still a big part of his world. He is all about his beetit these days…Sullivan’s word for Trumpet. He has learned how to buzz his lips on the mouthpiece and make sounds with it. He also enjoys playing with his guitar, violin, drums, and harmonica.
Running and Dancing – He loves to run and dance around like a wild marionette. It is absolutely adoreable to watch and can tire you out quickly if you try to keep up.
Other Odd and Ends
He is still a good sleeper although he is going through a bit of a nap struggle right now. Having a hard time going down for naps but sleeps sometimes 12-14 hours a night and when he does fall asleep for his nap will sleep between 3-5 hours.
He stays with his grandparents every Monday night so Mommy and Daddy can get some focused work done around the house. Since we don’t do daycare and we both work from home it’s nice to have one 24 hour period to get office and house work done and an occasional movie night. We are very lucky to have family helping us out. We wouldn’t be able to do much of what we do without them.
He has all of his teeth except his 3 year molars and he is starting to thin out a wee bit. Still is a stocky little guy…sometimes I think he got the “packy” gene from my mom. Also wondering if the little bit of attitude that we see from time to time is the Italian blood finally coming out. He makes this funny face like he smells something bad and I swear it’s a splitting imagine of me as a youngster when I didn’t get my way.
He’s still friendly and outgoing. We do two regular playdates with some of my friends who have kids his age and he had no problem jumping right in and playing with them and sharing and learning new things.
Well that’s all I can think of for now. Life is good and Sullivan is a good little boy. He just left to go with Judy for the night and he gave me a sweet little kiss on the cheek and said bye bye mommy. Melted my heart.