Going to Work with Mom and Dad

I’ve got to share a funny story with you. As I mentioned in the earlier blog…August has been a busy work month for both Damon and I. We are finally picking up momentum in our fund raising efforts and it seems as though every week we have a dozen or so meetings scheduled to discuss various aspects of our campaign. Usually Damon and I split up some of these meetings so one can stay home with the baby or we get Judy to come down and sit while we are away. Well this past week the entire Biscuit team had a meeting scheduled down town at the Historic Scarborough building with our new advertising contractor and development director. Both are moms and said Sullivan was welcome to come to the meeting so off daddy and mommy go to a marketing and development meeting with baby. I felt like I was packing for a trip to Africa…Biscuit Biz materials and paperwork AND baby equipment to ocupy Sullivan for two hours. Well long story short, the meeting is going well….Damon is feeding baby while I get us started on the meetings agenda….then we trade off when damon needed to explain some production things and I thought I smelled a poopy diaper…so I thought alright, I pop out quick while Damon is talking prduction details and change him real quick. Ha, quick, well yes if the bathroom had been set up with a complete changing area as I am used to. As I mentioned this was an historic building. The bathrooms were small and no modern changing area. There was just a small bench in the corner so I layed down his changing mat and proceded to change him. Of course he had not pooped as I thought but figured while I was there would change him anyway so maybe I wouldn’t have to leave the meeting. So I took the diaper off and was in the process of rolling it up and throwing it away when the Sully teetee Fountain began…And it was not just any old baby fountain. It was the fountain of all fountains….It reached enormous heights setting all time records for distance. Well of course I did what any mom would do I tried to catch it with my hands before it drenched the floor. That in itself was a comedy….UNTIL I took my hands away “thinking” that he was done. I proceeded to wipe my hands of the baby pee and finish throwing away the diaper. I turned to stepped away from him for just a moment and the fountain erupted again reaching even greater heights and this time a distance just far enough to reach the neatly pressed skirt of a lovely young executive in the sink area washing her hands. Well, I mean what do you say to that? I am sorry my son just peed on you! I was mortified and tried to wiped the urine from her skirt. I could tell from her forced smile and polite remark that she was not a mom herself and quickly ran from the restroom before the littlest fountain erupted again. As if that wasn’t bad enough I turned to Sullivan and realized my emergency mommy hand cup had not caught all of the originall teetee and the poor guy was soaked. Now did mommy listen to all the books and friends tell me “make sure you pack an extra outfit in your diaper bag”. Of course not. I kept thinking “what mother allows their child to mess all over themselves and what situation could possibly be so bad that they would need to change. Well lesson learned since I had to strip my child down to his wee little diaper, baby chub and all and take him back through the prestine halls of the Scarborough building and back into our meeting. That was an entrance I’ll never forget. Naked baby returns from bathroom. Lucky for me the crowd inside that room understood and laughed. So there it is…Sullivan takes a trip to work with Mommy and Daddy and pees on a nice lady in the restroom. Thought you all wouold enjoy that.

Biscuit Happenings

August has been a busy month on the Biscuit front. We had a live show here in town, Damon is working on the first episodes of season two and I have been managing new development hires for our fund raising campaign and benefit event. Jerry, Judy, and great grandparents Jo and John have been helping out on a regular basis so we can produce this television show and raise money for season two. Here are some pics of some of his outings with the grandparents.

Big Ole Belly Laugh!

Friday August 25th Sullivan Carter Brown laughed for the first time. Damon and I were giving him a bath and just as we put him in the water he looked up at both of us and let out a great big ole belly laugh. I hadn’t seen a sign of him remotely attempting to laugh so it kind of took both of us by surprise(which is why there is no picture for this post). Damon ran off to get the video camera but when he came back he was just sitting in the water smiling. Of course he hasn’t done it since or maybe nothing has inspired him to do so.

Nightie Night!

Sorry no pictures with this post tonight. I just peeked in on little Sully sleeping and wanted to share his latest developments with everyone. He is now in his 13th week and he has just started to consistently sleep through the night. 6 straight nights in a row he has slept from around 10/11pm until 8/9am dropping his two middle of the night feedings! And to our surprise this has not led him to be awake more during the day. He still takes several naps a day and is ready for his full nights rest around 10pm. I am increasingly surprised at how much work I am able to get done around the house and with my real estate business and Biscuit Biz. He is such a patient child…sits in his chair on either Damon or my desk when he is awake…smiling, looking around, taking in new sights and listening to endless business conversations between our offices or on the phone. The sounds of keyboard clicking constantly in the background as though our computers were a house pet. He has started to even vocalize what I think is his own version of “business chat” which is quite melodic and expressive. I just wonder some days what I could have possibly done in my life to deserve such a good little boy. I just assumed payback was in store considering what a total brat I was to my family….cute of course but BIG Tude and Beyond demanding. Maybe it has nothing to do with me and everything to do with the blessing that was given me in Damon. Gods way of telling me that even little brats deserve a second chance when willing to amend their ways 🙂