Mommy and Daddy have decided to start a new family business…..Face to the Sky, a video production company. Mommy is the sole proprietor and will take the business lead in marketing, promotions, and management while Daddy creates the product. This picture was taken down at the county clerks office on Tuesday June 23rd when I registered the business name. Here is to a new adventure as the Brown household turns to face the sky of new possibilities.
We are doing all sorts of things to stay cool this week. We’ve hit record highs the past several days and we’ve been shut in the house for most of the day. Some days Sullivan has taken 4 baths just to play in the water. And of course we are still potty training so there is lots of naked time.
And no heat wave is complete without some cool treats throughout the day.
We took Sullivan to the San Antonio Zoo this past Monday. We are in the midst of an early heat wave here in Austin this June so it was pretty hot but we had been planning the trip for several weeks and decided to go anyway.
Grandmommy Judy joined us for the trip and we had a blast. The SA Zoo is a really great zoo with lots of neat things for kids under 5 to enjoy. They had a butterfly exhibit and some of Sullivans favorites animals… crocodiles, snakes, and elephants. We also saw lions, tigers, bears, and a bald eagle as well as fed some Lories who landed on my shoulder and hand and tore a hole in my shirt. We rented a big red wagon and rolled Sullivan around while he casually took in all the sights. There was an indoor play exhibit for young kids that we explored for a few hours which allowed us to escape the 100 degree heat for a little bit. Then Damon and Judy took Sullivan on a train ride at the very end before we drove back to Austin. We’ll have to take Crawpaw Kerry down to this zoo to show him the big giant snakes.
Today Sullivan visited an Austin Fire Station. Our good friend Heidi organized a trip with many of the kids that Sullivan plays with at Brentwood Park. Damon was free and came along with us. The men and lady at station number 19 prepared a fun tour for us with a neat video about fire safety and demonstration of their equipment and living quarters that ended with a tour of the firetruck! Sullivan as always was quick to volunteer to be first at everything whether it was touching the firemans suit or jumping into the truck. He even got to climb into the front seat and pretend to drive the truck. But the truck was not nearly as cool as the firefighters sleeping quarters which he begged to go back and see. He is always about “pretend” night night these days instead of the real night night which has all of a sudden become a struggle for him. It sure was a fun trip and hope to plan more visit to local firestations this summer.
We had a celebration for grandpa down here in Texas last night and made a video for him to enjoy up in Pennsylvania.
Sullivan was a big help with the cake decorating and eating of course. And sang a great rendition of the birthday song. Click on the link to see our video.