Christmas Eve 2008

So in the spirit of a real catch up let me post some Holiday stories and pictures.

As usual we spent Christmas Eve day up in Georgetown with the Brown family. Opening gifts, eating, and playing with the cousins and grandparents. It was a wonderful day. Then we came home that evening and made cookies for Santa, hung Sullivan’s stocking, and then got him off to bed so we could set the “under the Christmas Tree magic”. Sullivan was just barely cognozant of the concept of Santa this year. He understood the character and could recognize him in a picture or in costume but wasn’t real into the story yet. But Damon and I tried to initiate some of the tradition this year with leaving cookies out and surprise presents and what not and he went along and enjoyed himself. He even tasted the milk and cookies he left out for Santa just to make sure that were okay.

The Croup

I know I’ve fallen a bit behind in posts these past few months so am working today while we are all home with our first ever full family sick fest to catch up. Sullivan is recovering from the croup and had his first full meal in 4 days. Damon started off the sick fest last week with what we thought was the annual Cedar Fever which we thought Sullivan caught before he woke up Tuesday night with a wild whooping barking cough that we later diagnosed as the croup. He’s been in doors most of the week, not eating, barely drinking, won’t even eat candy, and coughing and sneezing up a storm. Two of the nights he slept on the foof in the back room because it allowed him to be propped up and not cough as much. Everyone is feeling better today, except for Sullivan’s cough which I worry is turning into bronchitis but am monitoring closely. He here is on the foof with daddy after watching the Doodle Bops for the umpteenth time.

Big Boy Bed is IN!

Well we finally made the big move. Baby crib disassembled (with many tears from Mommy) and big boy bed assembled and in (much joy from Sullivan) although at this precise moment he is napping on the floor by the doorway to his room. Far to tempting to get in and out of his bed to stay there for any length of time. The past several nights it has taken us several hours to get him to sleep only to have him at the side of the bed within a few short hours asking to climb into OUR bed. For someone so little he sure does take up a lot of space. Funny to wake up and see two grown adults pushed to the very edges of a queen size bed with a 36 inch little boy sprawled out across the middle. Keeping my fingers crossed that he adjust quickly so we can get back to our routine here at the homestead.

Sullivan’s Big Boy Bed

We put Sullivan’s big boy bed together tonight. Grandpa got Sullivan the bed a few weeks ago but Mommy did not have the mechanical patience to put it together and Daddy was working hard on some work deadlines so we decided to wait until we caught up on sleep and had time to devote to this new transition. It is out in the living room now for him to get used to and will make the big move this weekend. His first words after seeing it were “it’s My bed, it’s a new bed”. Wish us luck.