Biker To Be

The other day Sullivan was playing outside and I left the yard for a brief moment to check something inside and when I came back out this is what I saw. At first I screamed cause I was afraid that he would tip it over and crush him (a fear I always have that Damon dismisses as improbable) but anyway….once I calmed down I took some cute pics.

Day of the Dead Parade

Wonders & Worries participated in the Mexican Art Museum Day of the Dead celebration again this year. A group of us made alters in celebration of loved ones lost and they are displayed in the museum for the coming month. The kick off for this festivity was a big downtown day of the dead parade that led to the museum and since we made alters we got to be in the parade. So Damon, Sullivan and I walked the parade this year and had a blast. Here are some shots of the event and the alter.

Halloween 2008

Sullivan went on his first Trick or Treating with his cousins last weekend. He had a blast and seemed to pick up the routine quickly. At first he was a bit surprised to knock on strangers doors and that they gave candy and it almost seemed like he thought it rude to turn around and leave cause he kept lingering around the doors chatting with folks and asking them stuff. But once he realized this was the system he quickly ran from house to house saying “Fick or Feet”, “thank you” and then “close the door”. Here he is dressed up as his favorite Disney character Woody from Toy Story.

Go Go Go!

Ever evening this past week we have taken Sullivan out around the block to run off his energy before bedtime. Damon found a fun scooter at Goodwill (yeah big surprise) and so we trade off riding the scooter and Sullivan chases us. He calls it Go Go Go…….and we have to say “come get me” or “I’m gonna get you” and he runs and runs and runs….and he’s pretty fast to. Of course as you can see this aerobic outing can not be made without his hat…a hat of some sort must always accompany Sullivan at all times and in all places.