Lightning McQueen Rides Again and again and again

We bought a model Lightning McQueen car for Sullivan this past weekend at Big Lots. You shake it up and it says lines from the movie and then races around the house. It is pretty fun and of course Sullivan’s best new toy (in addition to his tape recorder). We played with it for several hours today… it and racing it and jumping it off tables and chairs and into walls and UP walls and over homemade ramps. My brother and father would be proud of all the car adventures we had today. Can’t wait for Sullivan to get back up to PA for a visit as I imagine they will both enjoy all this car play together.

A Dirty Boy Sleeps

Picked up Sullivan today from the grandparents. He always has a grand time up there playing outdoors. They have the perfect backyard for a little boy and I think he spends most of his time up there outside in the sand area and water. Well we’ve had a pretty hot summer so far this year and the hot temps haven’t stopped him from playing outside which means he gets pretty sweaty which always leads to more dirt sticking to his face and hands. Well I wanted his Daddy to see how cute he looked so I left him as is for the car ride home but he fell asleep with his hat on and when we got home this is what he looked like. I rolled the window down and Damon tried to wake him several times but he was sound asleep. He eventually woke up and immediately started giving a speech another one of his very funny habits…..speech giving. Damon caught the speech on video. I’ll have to figure out how to get that online someday and share it with you.

Goodwill Finds

Damon and Sullivan and I took a trip to Goodwill this past weekend to see if we could find a replacement straw summer cowboy hat for Sullivan as he has completely worn out his first one. Well we did not find an exact replacement for the cowboy hat BUT we did find a beach hat, some discovery kids binoculars and viewfinder, an AWESOME kids tape recorder with an attached microphone and a play tube. We always find neat treasures at the Goodwill… is one of Damon’s great talents…..finding treats at the Goodwill. We spent many an hour playing with all, lots of fun recordings on the tape player Biscuit shows, lots of treking around the house like an adventurer with his binoculars and beach hat, and climbing in and out of the yellow tube. It was a fun day for all.

Sullivan’s Feet

I have a confession to make. I have an emotional and sentimental reaction to the sight of my sons feet! I can not explain this reaction fully other than to say that from the moment he entered this world I have marveled at the sight of them. It has always been the sight of his feet that overwhelms me with the miracle of his creation…..the beauty and wonder of his form, structure, and unique nature. His FEET….not his eyes or face or head or body or personality but His feet. It’s a curious thing I admit but I can not count the times that I see his feet and tear up with the very thought that Damon and I made this perfectly wonderful human being. I told Damon the other night that I want to make a sculpture one day of ALL of Sullivan’s shoes. A time line of his life with his shoes.

So here is one of many photographs that I have taken of my little boys feet. Reading a book with Daddy before Night Night. A favorite feet time for me as he and Daddy always curl up on the big chair and read stories and Sullivan insists that I sit in the other chair and listen along and the other chair always provides me with a perfect sight of his little feet sitting and listening to his Daddy read. I think when I am old and Sullivan is gone off in the world and away from our home I will most remember sitting and listening to his Daddy read him bedtime stories and remember this very image of the feet from underneath the book.