Hershey Park Happy

Grandpa Kerry and Grandma Mary treated us to a day at Hershey Park. A regular outing for me as a youth living only 25 minutes from the park. It was a thrill to take Sullivan on many of the rides that I enjoyed as a child with my parents. Of course it was another realization that as a kid you have very little understanding of all the things your parents do for you. It was a whole new experience going to Hershey with a little one, a stroller, diaper bag, sippy cups, sun screen, shoes, and on and on. I don’t know who was more tired by the end of the trip Sullivan or me! But nonetheless we had a great visit to the park.



Rachel H.

That’s so COOL! We took a family trip there when I was in high school, and I loved it. Candy bars walking around – how cool is that!? I love seeing all the pictures. 🙂