Memorial Day Weekend Splash

We all had a water filled memorial day weekend. I got out Sullivan’s baby pool on Friday and we splashed and played in it. It has been a very hot week here. We set two record highs for May and we had spent most of the week inside so it was great to get outside and do something fun. Damon squirted us with the hose and filled the air and pool with bubbles and we kicked and played for several hours. Then Saturday was Ella Grace’s 4th birthday party and she had a splash party so Sullivan got to play in the “bath” as he calls it over at their house. They had three pools in the back for kids to play in. Ella also had a pinata at her party that Sullivan thought was very neat. Sullivan watched the kids take turns beating the pinata and then quickly swooped in to pick up the candy that fell on the grass. After he discovered the joy of lollipops he gathered as many as he could find and took them along on his adventures. With one in his mouth and one in either hand you can see Sullivan in above picture trying to go down the slide a task that was much harder to achieve with lollipops in hand.
Then Kirk and Carolyn had a memorial day party at their house so we went back over on Sunday and the kids had more pool times. Been a fun weekend.
