Mistaken Identity

So Sullivan got the June issue of his National Wildlife Federation kids magazine today. Aunt Carolyn got him a yearly subscription and he has been enjoying it immensely. So tonight the magazine was his bedtime story and we stopped at a page that had four boxes with different animals in them. Sullivan was familiar with three of them so I was pointing at one and asking him “what is this?” when he pointed at another animal on the page and excitedly yelled out “Butt, Butt, it’s a Butt”. At first I thought he was saying Bat as the animal next to the one he was pointing at was a Bat but then I realized he was indeed saying Butt after all, his name for seahorse and the animal he was pointing at. Now for those of you have haven’t watched the Disney movie Finding Nemo a zillion times like we have been force to do in the past month there is a scene where Nemo is on a field trip with his schoolmates and one of them calls a Boat a Butt. Ever since Sullivan saw that scene he has called the seahorse character Butt. So now when he sees any picture of a seashorse he says Butt. I imagine I’ll teach him the right word someday but for now it is far more entertaining to watch him call out Butt with great confidence when he sees a seahorse. No picture to post of this funny moment. I’ll have to capture an audio clip next time and post it cause it is the confidence in his voice at what he thinks is the correct word for the image that makes me laugh soo much.
