Please, Hat, Juice, Shoe, Cracker

Sullivan has now moved onto the verbal stage of his young life. It initially started with the word please several months ago (I’d say sometime in July around 14 months) He had gotten into a bad habit of screaming for food at the high chair so we began asking him to say please and he quickly caught on. Seess seems to be the literal phonetics of his please and he has transfered the word to nearly every request….”seess can I have that shiny thing you are holding, seess can you help me put this block in the box, seess can you read this book to me (his favorite being Dr’s Suess the B Book), seess can you pick me up or put me down, sees can I go outside” you get the idea. Seess is pretty much the everything word right now.
Hat was his next word

and he is absolutely obessed with saying it. He has a giant bag full of assorted hats; pirate hats, cowboy hats, fisherman’s hats, ball caps, bowlers and piths. He wears them morning, noon, and night, during play time and sleep time and even on the potty time. He points at hats and asks for hats and gives you hats and takes hats away from you, and even dresses up Brodie the dog with his hats which as you can tell by the picture is thrilling for the dog…he is just an all around hat boy. Apparently his Dad was all about hats too so Grandmommy Judy says..

Next was shoe. Grandma and Grandpa got him some shoes while we were in PA and he has been very excited to wear them. He likes to carry and play with his shoes and when it’s time to go outside he is happy to sit on your lap while you put them on his chubby block feet (which sometimes we have to put powder in to help get them on as his feet are so chubby).
Runs over to the refrigerator and asks for Juice now. He is a thirsty little guy and drinks sometimes between 4-8 full glasses of juice/water a day. And loves graham crackers, and banana crackers, and honey crackers, and cheese crackers….just any old cracker really.
