Whoo! Whoo!…..Here’s comes the Frain

Sulivan is all about Frains (Train’s) these days. Damon and I got him a little wooden set from Ikea and it is the first thing he wants to play with when he wakes up in the morning and after nap. Sullivan is also all about being “FRUSTRATED” these days. He so badly wants to do things on his own or manipulate toys and games just to his liking and when it doesn’t play out the way he imagined or would like he has a melt down….specifically, he cries out “please, please” to the toy that is not following his orders and when it does not respond he throws is across the room, drops to the floor while whining and crying “help me” or “come on”. I guess this is normal for his age….funny some days and also frustrating to Mommy on days like today. We went down to the Austin Children’s Museum and it was melt down after melt down when the slightest obstacle got in his way. So we left and came back home where he finally settle down to a nap. Here are some pictures of him with his new train set. Daddy finally showed us how to keep the trains connected which was a HUGE source of meltdown land for Sullivan. It’s hard to watch your child intensely frustrated with a new toy instead of having a good time….so glad we got past that. He is now in the back room watching The Incredibles re-creating stunts and superhero moves. Next it is off to the front yard and street for our night time “Go Go Go bike time”. I will try and catch some pictures and post later.
